Donate Now:

Donations are tax-deductible. We rely on the support of individuals and corporations. Our priority is to remain accountable to our donors. We are committed to transparency.
100% of your donation will go toward providing scholarship dollars to deserving students; free football camps, literacy initiative, and housing for abused women and their children.

Gifts of Cash may be payable through various methods:

Donate via Phone.

 To contribute with a credit card by phone, please call 214-519-9499

Donate via Mail.

You may mail your check, payable to Platinum Charities to:
4760 Preston Rd., Suite 232, Frisco, TX 75034

As a matter of organizational practice, we will not sell or share your name or personal information with any other entity.


If you or your organization have special skill sets that you would love to put to use for a great cause, please download the volunteer application, and email the completed form to info@platinumcharities.org

For groups wanting to volunteer, please use this application here.  For Individuals wanting to volunteer, please use this application here.

As a matter of organizational practice, we will not sell or share your name or personal information with any other entity.

Workplace Giving:

Corporations increasingly are being motivated to give back to their community and to lift families out of unhealthy lifestyles.
Corporations may collaborate with us in a variety of ways, including:

  • Monthly or annual giving
  • Fundraising events
  • Employee engagement such as volunteerism or match giving
  • In-kind donations and professional expertise

Memorial Gifts:

Memorial gifts recognize special individuals who have passed away for their lifetime accomplishments, anniversaries, or events. These gifts can be unrestricted or designated for use in a particular program or area. All gifts are recognized with a card sent to the individual being recognized or remembered and/or his or her family.

Short-term Assignment:

Be a part of the solution. You can make a difference. In addition to financial support, consider giving your time and skills. Not only will you help PC fulfill its goal, but you will also get the reward of personal satisfaction in helping a family.
If you are a professional electrician, roofer, plumber, or carpenter, our team needs you. Please sign up to volunteer by emailing our office.

Planned Giving:

PC in your will. A gift in your will is easy to arrange; does not affect your present income and can provide tax benefit.


A gift from your estate can ensure lasting legacy for generations. Give today and live through others.

Donate a House:

By donating a home to PC, the families in need win and so do you. Whether the home you want to give is an inherited property or is complicating plans for relocation, you gain the benefit of securing a substantial tax deduction while freeing yourself from a financial burden.
Make a difference, be the solution. Everyone is entitled to have a hope and a future!