All-Pro Skills Football Camp
Although this camp is by invitation only, we ask that you fill out the online registration form below or print out the registration form here.
Be sure to have your parents sign off on the camp forms and bring them with you to camp.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Platinum Charities is always looking to partner the Scooter McGruder All-Pro Skills Football Camp with local sponsors to help keep registration fees free for players and serve the community as a whole. Your sponsorship dollars go to directly offset overhead such as equipment, t-shirts, fees, lunches, and general administrative costs.
The All-Pro Skills Football Camp is a partner with the NFL, NFLPA, NFL Alumni, and USA Football, so as a sponsor, there will be many opportunities for publicity and recognition. With over 175 players and 175 parents in attendance, your brand will be generously presented to the Euclid community in addition to communities such as Cleveland, University Heights, Shaker Heights, and Beachwood.
For more information on Sponsorships please contact Scooter McGruder All-Pro Skills Camp by emailing us at info@platinumcharities.org or print out the Sponsorship Package here and In-kind form here.
Platinum Sponsorship includes: $2000 +
- Named exclusive presenting camp sponsor
- Social Media Boosted Promotions, mentions, tags several times before, during, and after camps by our charity and celebrity coaches
- Large Logo on our Camp Wear Tee & Coach’s Tee
- Your logo on Charity Website
- Camp Day Opportunity: bring your signs, swag, and brochures – market to a captive audience
- Name included in press release
- If you have something, you’d like us to share to our camp attendees and families – just let us know! We will help
Gold Sponsorship includes: $1000
- Social Media Boosted Promotions, mentions, tags several times before, during, and after camps by our charity
- Medium Logo on our Camp Wear Tee
- Your logo on Charity Website
- Camp Day Opportunity: bring, ship,or drop off swag items – market to a captive audience
- Mention in press release
Silver Sponsorship includes: $500
- Your name on Charity Website
- Mention in press release
- Small Logo on our Camp Wear Tee
- Mention on Facebook
Swag Promotions: $50
Items to be promoted or distributed to the kids, parents, and coaches.
Donations: food for lunch, healthy snacks, water, sports drinks, or monetary donations are welcomed.
For more information on sponsorship opportunities, please contact
Platinum Charities All-Pro Skills Camp at info@platinumcharities.org